Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Lolita Wardrobe

Since the theme at EGL this month is to show off our lolita wardrobes, I thought I'd join in. I've spent the past 2 days doing alterations to lots of things in my wardrobe, including turning a cardigan into a bolero and a JSK into a skirt, so it's especially timely.
I don't have any brand besides a Black Peace Now bolero, so I don't really have much to brag about besides my wardobe's relative largeness. As I've said before, I'd prefer to have 3 offbrand dresses that fit me and look nice, rather than squash myself into Moitie.

My wardrobe currently contains:

8 JSKs
13 OPs
10 Skirts
6 Cutsews
8 Blouses
And way to much jewelry to count.

My grand tally feels good! Everything I have I bought with my own money or made myself.

Accesories and jewelry:


  1. All of my clothes have to get stuffed into drawers...I wish I had a big closet. I am actually working on consolidating my wardrobe. It's very difficult :P

  2. I can't wait until I move back home, I'll have lots of closet space to organize my pretty Lolita things.

    I'm super jealous of how much BLACK you have in your wardrobe though!

  3. I'll have to second akumaxkami's sentiment. Your wardrobe is amazing, and I admire that it's all handmade or offbrand! I'll get there too, eventually! XD

  4. your wardrobe is amazing! I want to raid it! oh and I love all your boots! I have a boot collection too but I want more!


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