Sunday, December 18, 2011

Art Post: Happy Lolidays!

 This year, the winter holidays have really sprung up on me! I'm hoping to cram in as much holiday nonsense as I can this week- baking, decorating, shopping for gifts. I am terribly behind.
Yesterday, to kick things off, I went to Christmas themed tea party meet up (post to come!), and tomorrow I am going to go set up the loli-tree at my friends' apartment.
I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season, whatever your traditions are. And I hope that those of you in college as well are surviving your finals! I just barely got out of mine alive ;^;
But, anyhow, here is a holiday-themed lolita drawing I did for one of my finals!

In my class, we had a "secret santa" assignment, where you wrote a custom assignment for another classmate. For me, someone wrote "Design a holiday/winter themed EGL outfit and do a lifestyle illustration of it". Perfect!
I'm not terribly used to drawing digitally, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Playing around with the pattern and colored lines was super fun. I'd love to do a little series of Imai Kira inspired drawings.
I also have several other sketches and outfit designs that didn't get realized this time.

and some "lifestyle" sketches...

Also, in art-related news- I did the cover for a French magazine, Parceque! :D


  1. Your drawings are really awesome! Hope you have a Happy Holiday!

  2. I love your work art. It's really beautiful and inspiring!

    I know nothing about french but still loved the cover and all of the illustrations in the magazine!

  3. Your art work is lovely!!!

    Marja <3

  4. I really like your art (without beig into Lolita :)
    Happy Holidays!

  5. Thank you for this post ^^ Your drawing of lolita outfits (the lolita on the left) has inspired me to make my own mintymix style polar fox hat out of white faux fur :D

    Your drawing style really is lovely and such an inspiration ^^

  6. Wow, the cover is wonderful. I am really fond of white deers. In Galicia (a small place in Spain) we have a beautyful tale about a white deer lady, and your picture made me think about it!

  7. *sorry, I meant beautiful, of course.

  8. All very good. <3

    Also, Happy Christmas!


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